Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What I´ve learned

This year I took a info systems essentials class at my university. The course´s name was CIS265 and was taught by Professor Shade.

I´ve got to be honest with you. At the beginning of the semester I thought this class was going to be only about excel and at this point of my life I had already taken 2 info systems classes in high school. My first thoughts were: Oh I got this! It is just another excel class. But guess what? It was not.

In this class we did go over excel for one month but after that we moved into learning how to use Microsoft Word Docs. As students, we all think we know how to use this program because it is where we often write our papers. Especially me, I thought I was a master in knowing how to use Word Docs. In this course I learned how to cite without having to type it all out every single time that I mention a source. This definitely made my college life easier.

I also learned how to use google drive and create presentations. It is good to know there are other platforms out there we can use apart from PowerPoint. Sometimes it gets boring to be using only the same formats and templates. The great thing about google presentations is that they stay on the Internet. If you forget your computer or your USB the day you are supposed to present, you should not worry because it is in you gmail account. In fact I want to share with you my first google presentation. To read it click here.

Professor Shade also taught me how to use linked in. This website is actually more useful than I thought. I really enjoyed having someone coming over to our class to give us a wider explanation on how to use it. After that I was eager to start my account and to start looking for connections.

In conclusion I can say that this course went beyond my expectations not only for the great quality of professor that I got to have but also the great quality of content she taught to us.

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